Entradas etiquetadas como ftp


En IIS 7 si estas intentando dar de alta un sitio ftp y te sale este error:

Deberiamos usar el commando netsat para ver que programas estan usando el purto TCP:

netstat -anop TCP|find “:##”

Este commando te devolvera un pid,que tu necesitas igualar con el programa o servicio con este commando.

tasklist /SVC /FI “PID eq ####”

Este es un ejemplo de que se esta usando el Puerto 21, vemos que el servicio ftpsvc esta usando el Puerto 21 a traves de la imagen svchost.exe, este servicio es normal ya que forma parte del sistema operativo pero si tubieramos por ejemplo MSUpdate2.exe seria malware usando el Puerto 21.

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A command line FTP utility exists on Windows and Mac OS X  without installing additional software. Command line FTP is a reliable tool for transferring files and can also be used for testing when troubleshooting problems with the Dreamweaver or UltraDev FTP client.The instructions provided below show you how to use the command line FTP utility for Windows.


1 To launch command line FTP utility, go to Start > Run and enter»cmd» into the Open field of the run dialog box. Click OK or press enter.
2 To change to a local directory that contains your site files, type cd followed by the path to the desired directory after the prompt.Example: If your site files are stored in c:\sites\my_site, enter cd c:\sites\my_site.
3 At the prompt, enter ftp + FTP server name and press enter.
4 You will then be prompted to enter a username. Following the prompt, enter the username for the FTP account and press enter.Note: If you are connecting to an FTP server that allows anonymous FTP, you don’t need a valid account. However, you need to use the preconfigured account called ftp (ftp is the same as anonymous) to access the server.
5 Enter your password when the password prompt appears and press enter.
6 When the’ Login successful’ message appears, you have successfully connected. At this point, you know that the ftp server is up and running and that you can successfully connect to it from your machine.
At the ftp> prompt, you can run any FTP commands. To get a listing of acceptable FTP commands, simply enter a question mark (?) and press enter.Commonly used FTP commands:ls: directory listing equivalent to dir.
ls -l: long directory listing, more detail.
pwd: display the name of current directory.
cd: change directory.
lcd: change the local current directory.
get: to download the file from the FTP server.
put: to transfer file and place it on the FTP server.
mget: to download multiple files from the FTP server.
mput: to transfer multiple files to the FTP server.
prompt: to turn on/off interactive mode.
binary: to turn on binary mode.
ascii: to turn on ascii mode.
delete: to turn a file on FTP server.
status: to display how the current FTP session is configured.
mkdir: to make directory on FTP server.
quit/close/bye/disconnect: to disconnect from the FTP server.

Note: All FTP commands are case sensitive and should be in lower case.

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